Search Results

March 18, 2025 01:12:13 AM
Results 1-20 of 349 for Vivian Wagner

Piecing Together the Supply Chain Puzzle

Supply chain issues have haunted businesses during the past several months. Given the status of the pandemic and other challenges, they probably won't be resolved any time soon ...

Managing the Inevitable Reality of E-Commerce Returns

Product returns are an unavoidable part of running an e-commerce business. They can't be eliminated, so offering the option to return items can be a vital part of a business's strategy ...

Big Picture Marketing Advice for E-Tailers This Holiday Season

The holiday season is fast approaching, and e-commerce retailers are gearing up with marketing strategies to make the most of this all-important period that, in some cases, can make or break a business ...

The Challenge and Promise of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing until recently existed more in the realm of sci-fi than reality. Now, as computing technologies and the demand to solve complex problems accelerate, quantum computing is making its way into the mainstream ...

Domotics Brings Home Sweet Home Automation

Smart home technology is quickly becoming more mainstream than niche. As people monitor and control so many aspects of their lives through apps and smart devices, they expect to do the same with their homes ...

The Esports Evolution: Out of the Basement, Into Arenas

Esports has grown exponentially in recent years, expanding into a major industry that shows no signs of slowing momentum ...

E-Learning Platforms: The New Academy for Business Training and Education

Education for businesses, just like education in general, has undergone a dramatic transformation in the last year toward e-learning. Obviously, much of this shift was provoked by the urgent need to accommodate social distancing for health and safety bought about by the global pandemic ...

Protecting the Power Grid: Building Resiliency Into Essential Systems

The power grid is central to our everyday life and the economy. Disruptions to its systems can have devastating effects ...

The Endless Possibilities of Robotic Process Automation

With more amounts of data to manage, organize, and make sense of, robotic processes are becoming increasingly valuable to businesses seeking to save time and be more efficient ...

The Edge Ecosystem Puts Computing Where It Counts

Edge computing has become an increasingly important part of the IT ecosystem, with more demand than ever for computing power to be on hand, accessible, and instantaneous ...

Commerce Apps and CX: Designing for Engagement

Mobile apps are convenient and ubiquitous, and they're becoming a central way that people interact with brands ...

Key Factors When Selecting and Setting Up an E-Commerce Platform

One of the fundamental choices that an e-commerce retailer must make is the platform they use to sell their goods and services ...

Sustainability and Logistics: Greening the Supply Chain

In an era in which consumers are demanding that goods be delivered ever more quickly, the logistics of getting merchandise into customers' hands are becoming increasingly complicated ...

Drone Use in Today’s Society: From Analytics to Emergency Response

This is the era of drones, and these unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, increasingly are becoming an integral part of everyday life ...

Creating Paths of Engagement for Effective E-Commerce Journeys

From an initial expression of interest, to a purchase, to receiving ongoing support and ultimately buying again, customers take a variety of journeys as they interact with brands ...

Travel Industry Faces High Demand, New Expectations

Travel after the pandemic is not going to be quite the same as it used to be, but it's definitely coming back ...

The Emerging Tech Affect on HR Processes

The world of work is changing, and new technologies are transforming how companies hire, train, and manage their employees ...

Coupon and Discount Advice to Encourage Online Sales

Everyone loves a deal, and e-commerce shoppers are no different. Coupons, discounts, and other offers can draw in new customers and build loyalty with existing ones ...

E-Commerce Tending to Health and Wellness Needs

Emerging from the pandemic, people are more concerned than ever before about their health and well-being. As a result, increasingly, they're turning to digital and e-commerce solutions to address their needs ...

It Pays to Nurture Your Existing Customers

Important as it is to continually acquire new customers, it's every bit as vital for businesses to nurture existing clientele ...

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