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March 16, 2025 11:19:46 PM
Results 1-6 of 6 for Richard Rabins

How Low-Code/No-Code Platforms Can Help Manufacturers Embrace IoT

Smart factory initiatives integrating advanced digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning within the manufacturing environment present an expansive array of opportunities for manufacturers to develop novel business models and generate supplementary revenue streams ...


What HTML5 Hath Wrought

"Build once, run everywhere" has been the goal of many platforms, although most recently, the motto was used for Java. It has rarely been completely true. In Java's case, "build once, test everywhere" was closer to the mark ...


Fanning the Flames of Developer Burnout

It wasn't long ago that Microsoft was in federal court in Washington, D.C., charged with being a monopoly. At that time, if you were building an application or running a business, you were doing it on Microsoft Windows. They were the only game in town, and the IT world quivered over their dominance ...

Bill Gates – Boy Genius, Corporate Villain, Global Giver – Has Left the Building

"If you look at the history of the last 25 to 30 years, Microsoft certainly has to rate as one of the most influential companies not only in our industry, but in the whole world economic picture," said Richard Rabins, the CEO of Alpha Software, a maker of database developer tools that often competes head-to-head with the software giant. "Bill Gates is not necessarily a man people love, but he deserves a huge amount of respect. He and his original band of guys did have a profound effect on the world. They did sell a huge amount of software. I'm not necessarily a Microsoft lover, but I recognize they've been a beacon in this industry and were able to mainstream was what really a geeky techie field."

Gates: We Don’t Need No Stinking Yahoo

The market might need reassurances that Microsoft is up to the task, Richard Rabins, co-chair of Alpha Software, told the E-Commerce Times, "but there is no doubt it is fully capable of developing the necessary tools and applications to take on Google -- without anybody else." ...

The Case for Open Comments on Corporate Blogs

On New Year's Eve, Richard Rabins, cofounder of Alpha Software, posted a thank-you to readers on his blog "Your suggestions, advice, criticisms, peer support and sweat equity were crucial to expanding the Alpha Five universe in 2007," he wrote. "Every new application you deplo...

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